The Gloss Magazine - Girls Gone Mud!
It’s the reverse fairytale - an increasing number of the fashion set are upping sticks to the countryside in search of the good life. PENNY McCORMICK ponders whether to join them.
Ailbhe Gerrard also enthuses about her change of direction from construction project management to farming as “a bit of a blast. There is quite a lot of mud but lots of fresh air.”
The Gloss Magazine - Buzzed Up
Unless you are a quiz pro or one of the growing number of backyard apiarists, it would be hard to find a common denominator between actress Scarlett Johansson, poet Sylvia Plath and mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary. Johansson was given a hive as a wedding present by Samuel L Jackson on her marriage to Ryan Reynolds. For a similar idea Brookfield Farm in Co Tipperary offers hiveshare gifts ranging from “bee friends” to “bee champions” (from ¤85 – ¤320).