About John Gerrard’s Corn Work:
“Lovely connection to the farm and beautiful way to bring people together, physically through the table and in terms of interests and backgrounds” - Participant Field Exchange 2022
Historically, the role of crops in a farming system range from willow, rushes, flowers, beeswax, linen, wool, clothes, hemp rope, leather etc have always had a value as an additional farm income. With globalisation, these products are rarely produced at farm level. Crops, craft and Creativity featured the uses of some of these products, such as willow and rushes that are locally available in Ireland. The Exchange was led by local artist Gerardine Wisdom who discussed how these locally-grown crops and elements found on the farm can be converted into artistic and functional pieces that increase in value.
Expert Name(s)
Gerardine Wisdom (artist), Esther Gerrard (Elements of Action) and Philip Quinn (Stonemad)
Artist: Deirdre O’Mahony