Farming For Nature Walk with Ailbhe Gerrard – Saturday 22nd August

The Farm Walks are an opportunity for the Farming For Nature farmers to showcase their contribution to nature and good farming practices on their land.
Ailbhe runs a 30 hectare farm on the banks of Lough Derg. She bought the land in 2010 and took on the challenge of turning a neglected farm into a diverse farm system to make a living. Today one third of the farm is broadleaf (3 acres of which is designated), one third is arable and one third is agri-environment under wild bird cover. She has an organic sheep flock and honey bees which she sells both directly from the farm and online. Ailbhe shares her passion of farming with others with regular open days and demonstration days.
To book CLICK HERE to go to the Events Page
Yoga on Brookfield Farm – Sunday 1st September!

Try a lovely yoga session outdoors on Brookfield Farm, led by Yoga in Terryglass. Followed by A Taste of Lough Derg honey themed light refreshments. Sunday 1 September 12-2pm Book here!
Honey Celebration 2019 day – Hivesharers invited for Sunday 1st September 3pm

Brookfield Farm is delighted to invite you to our annual Honey Celebration for Hivesharers!
A lovely day out for the family and adults alike. Our Hiveshare community are invited to immerse in a honey – soaked day on Brookfield Farm in Co.Tipperary.
A day where you’ll meet Ailbhe the bee keeper, talk about bees, pollinators and beekeeping. Feel free to bring a picnic and enjoy the lovely landscape and lakeshore views.
Enjoy the best of local produce in our honey themed light refreshments, all celebrating the wonderful bee!
Flower Meadows Walk & Honey Tasting Saturday, June 15th 12pm to 2pm

Flower Meadows Walk & Honey Tasting
Guests will enjoy a talk on beekeeping and honey tasting as part of the Tipperary Food Experience. Enjoy a farm walk through acres of flower meadows on the shores of scenic Lough Derg.
Summer Farm events 2017 – You Are invited!

Happy Midsummer! We are really excited to announce our farm open days, and we are looking forward to welcoming you to Brookfield Farm this July and August.
Honey Celebration! 12 September 2015

We are so excited about our Honey Celebration! Lots of delicious events planned for Hivesharers and visitors. One amazing honey-tastic day of Tasting, Tours, Talks, & Raw Honey Collections! And, if you’re game enough, go from Bees to BBQs coz there’s a pig on a spit to enjoy in the evening.
Happening on Sept 12th at the Brookfield Farm Honey Celebrations, It’s all part of the amazing A Taste of Lough Derg summer events.
Farm Walks

Brookfield Farm runs regular farm walks and farm events, popular with visitors and neighbours. Sign up for our newsletters and come on the next walk.