Brookfield Farm Honey for Hivesharers!
Lots of Hivesharers wrote asking could they meet us and collect the honey, so we are arranging a couple of collection points in Dublin in the next couple of weeks where you can meet Ailbhe, pick up your Hiveshare and have a chat about your honey. Collection in Blackrock and Rathmines:
Friday 30th and Saturday 31st October and
Friday 6th and Saturday 7th November.
Let us know if you would like to meet and collect your honey – email us to arrange a suitable collection time and place. Really looking forward to meeting you!
Brookfield Farm is now packing honey boxes for Hivesharers. This year there are a few different types of honey, depending on the flowers the bees visited – examples are blackberry and clover, with a contribution from tree blossoms and whitethorn, and some heather and ivy blends. We are allocating a couple of different honey types to each Hivesharer, so you can taste the natural differences.
Your honey has already been harvested from the hives, filtered and jarred. Labels have been printed, applied and the jars are being packed in boxes for delivery and dispatch, we plan to complete this task next week.
We had intended to get out the honey deliveries a few weeks earlier, but winning the Nuffield Agricultural Scholarship and a place on the new Acorns rural entrepreneur programme along with teaching in the local agricultural college threw out our timetable. We also ran a stall at the Ploughing Championships and moved production to our new premises (with probably the best view of Brookfield Farm and Lough Derg). With over 1000 Hiveshare honey jars; weight of honey around a quarter tonne; allied with a concern for couriering breakable glass jars and sticky honey, and with over 150 Hivesharers all around the country, it’s a logistical challenge. We know you are eagerly awaiting your honey, we are sending out boxes regularly, you will get your Hiveshare allocation very shortly. Thank you for your patience.
Honey Celebration
We had lots of friends to our first Honey Celebration on 12 September, thank you for coming! Happy Hivesharers collected their honey boxes full of Brookfield Farm delicious honey and had a lovely sunny rural day.
It wasn’t just human visitors at the Honey Celebration – we had a guest appearance from a majestic white tailed eagle (sea eagle) with a 7 foot wing span who drifted overhead along the lakeshore just above our heads. What a lucky sight for the Hiveshare guests!
The sun shone, elderflower cordial drink and honey flapjacks went down a treat, the day was warm and dry, and everyone enjoyed the fascinating beekeeping and honey talk from our local beekeeper Michael. We finished up with a lovely farm walk and children’s treasure hunt with Ailbhe.
Later that evening we hosted a delicious bbq honey themed with roast pork, mead made from our honey and Cathy’s amazing autumn salads. Even the local icecream was honey flavoured. A wonderful harvest celebration.
Thank you Hivesharers!
Lots more information about the farm and events on our Facebook page – please like and share. Contact Ailbhe with any queries on honey collection and delivery.