Image Interiors & Living – A Taste of Honey

In Tipperary, a former project manager has returned to her hometown to start a hive sharing farm that connects people to food production. We visited to hear more …

Words: Shannon Rose Burke & Tara Corristine
Photography: Nathalie Marquez-courtney

Mizzle: the feathery raindrops that drift on a cloud of mist across Lough Derg. It’s a cool day on Brookfield Farm and summer’s wildflowers – cornflowers, daisies and phacelia – have withered, with scarlet berries and russet leaves the last lingering splash of colour. It is a scene worthy of a postcard, and only the muted drone of a passing tractor or bleating sheep disturbs the quiet. Even the bees are still, the cold weather having sent them scurrying for their hive…. 

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