Hiveshare May 2016 Newsletter

Brookfield Farm

Brookfield Farm Hiveshare News May 2016 

Welcome to your May newsletter. We have lots of exciting news this issue. Most importantly – save the date! Hiveshare 2016 Honey Celebration is set for Sunday August 21st. We can’t wait to welcome you to Brookfield Farm for a wonderful day out for you and children. Book here, and look out for more Honey Celebration details in our next newsletter!

Lots more fun bee facts and great farm photos on facebook – like our page to get them!

Hivegifts from Brookfield Farm

Lovely bluebells in Brookfield Farm Roundo wood. So intense and blue!

Hiveshare gift

Late spring

What a difference a few months makes…. Our hives are buzzing with activity. Busy, healthy bees are foraging spring flowers and bringing back pollen and nectar to fill hive stores and feed baby bees (brood).

Blossoms are on the trees, trees in bud and leaves popping out in a frenzy of green… Spring flowers on the woodland floor and fields – the farm is beautiful at the moment! Bees are vigorously working these blossoms and helping to ensure a good crop of fruit later in the year. Vegetables, orchards and soft fruits are dependent on honeybees for 90% of their pollination.  


Hiveshare gift
Hiveshare gift

Nuffield Agricultural Scholarship trip

Ailbhe is preparing for an agricultural research trip for June and July. She will be travelling with Nuffield Scholars to Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, Israel, Netherlands and USA. Very exciting, but she will miss Brookfield Farm while she is gone! She plans a blog about the trip. If you need to contact


Hive check

We are checking each hive now the weather is warmer, to see how each colony got through the winter, as the cold and wet spring was hard on the bees. We also look to see how much honey store is left, and how the brood is developing. Most colonies are doing very well, we had some winter losses, but overall we are pleased.


Brookfield Farm lamb – very few left for this season! Order now.. reserve your tasty and healthy lamb.


Country Living Article

Thrilled to have Brookfield Farm featured in Country Living Magazine! April Edition – if you’d like to read all about it, just and we’ll send you a pdf of the article.


Ancient candle making technology.

It takes many careful hand dips of cotton wick to build up hot beeswax in layers to make our beautiful dinner candles


Handmade pure beeswax candles

We love making our natural candles – pure beeswax hand poured and hand dipped candles. Have a look at ourrange – they make super gifts!


We love to hear from you!

Do let us know how you are enjoying Hiveshare. And we’d be delighted to hear your comments – email or phone and we’re thrilled to chat.