Hiveshare Christmas 2018 Newsletter


Brookfield Farm Newsletter Winter 2018 

Welcome to your Winter Brookfield Farm newsletter. First of all, a most heartfelt thank you to all our supporters, we would not be here without you. We made a little thank you video – see it here–  THANK YOU and Happy Christmas! We wish you and yours a peaceful and merry time.

We have been beavering away to get Hiveshare honey to everyone subscribed this year to November 2018! Do let us know if your raw Irish honey from 2018 Hiveshare has not arrived, and if a delivery hasn’t got there, we’ll check it out straight away. And don’t forget, to sign up here to be part of 2019 raw honey Hiveshare….

There are a few more chances before Christmas completely finishes to get our popular Hiveshare Bee Friend and other Hivegifts, but hurry!

We really enjoyed meeting you all with Elements of Action, at the Dublin Flea Market and the Gifted Craft Fair at the RDS 5-9 December was great fun. 

We are adding interesting bee information and great farm photos and videos on instagramfacebook and twitter – do follow us for updates.

Dinner candles beeswax hand dipped

Brookfield Farm Shortlisted! 

Brookfield Farm was buzzing with the super news that we have been shortlisted for high profile farming awards. The inaugural  RDS Talamh award for sustainable farming and also the RDS Farm forestry awards. Really looking forward to the day out next Spring at the RDS.

We were also nominated this year for the Farming for Nature awards for Hiveshare and our efforts to support the native Irish bee on Brookfield Farm. 

 Thank you!

Festive table dressing, using Brookfield Farm beeswax perfect Christmas dinner candles.

We hand dip beeswax candles by hand the traditional way.  Great to have our beautiful dinner candles appreciated!

Not only that, but we had great fun at the RDS, with our Hivegifts and candles selected for 4 of the Best Gifts in the Design Ireland Selected Area! Also we drew crowds demonstrating how to make our hand dipped beeswax candles. Gifted Craft Fair attendees enjoyed our demos.

Hiveshare gift

Brookfield Farm in the news!

Hiveshare raw Irish honey

Really excited to see a wonderful article in January’s  Easy Food magazine – by the talented Jocelyn Doyle, featuring our farm, honey and work with bees. Run out and get it now for Christmas reading!

We also featured in the November issue of the always interesting  An Beachaire – magazine for Irish beekeepers, we are delighted to have our idea of a bee sanctuary gaining interest. 

The Editor writes:

I was encouraged to find that there is a farm beside Lough Derg, called Brookfield Farm, which is beginning to establish the criteria for a Bee Sanctuary. The owners are keeping bees and have already undertaken the organic improvements which mean that the environment is clean for the bees. The owner, Ailbhe Gerrard, writes modestly that “At the moment it is an aspiration, but I’m working towards making the entire 70 odd acres I farm pollinator friendly. And then I’ll look at a way to designate a bee sanctuary. I use the term bee sanctuary, as I think it’s important to spark people’s interest and knowledge about safe places for bees and insects.”

We are very proud!


New course – Regenerative Agriculture 

Ailbhe is preparing to teach a course in Regenerative Agriculture in the UK in early February 2019, looking forward! Because sustainability in agriculture doesn’t cut it any more, we have to make soils, water, biodiversity better.

Gurteen Agricultural College

Finalising the last classes, then Ailbhe is on a break until January from teaching in Gurteen Agricultural College. 


The highlight of many Dubliner’s Christmas gifts, the Gifted Fair for Craft was a great success. Thank you to everyone who dropped by our stall, it was lovely to see you!

We look forward to January, when we are back in the RDS for Showcase; a trade only fair. 

Someone likes our Hiveshare honey present

Bees in winter 

Our bees are settled after the autumn. Until recently they were still collecting nectar and pollen from ivy flowers. Ivy is a very important source for winter stores.

It’s been mild and damp this winter so far, and the bees have been active very late. Stay warm little bees…


Competition winner!

We selected five competition winners for tickets to the RDS Gifted Craft Fair. Thanks for dropping by the stall to the winners, great to meet you.

We are about to select the raffle winner from the entries at the RDS Craft fair. The prize is one of our lovely Hiveshares! We’ll let the winner know shortly!



New Brookfield Farm scented beeswax candle in glass
Hand dipped beeswax dinner candles

Handmade pure beeswax candles

We do love making our natural candles – pure beeswax hand poured and hand dipped candles. Have a look at our range – they do make super gifts.

We want to hear from you!

Do let us know how you are enjoying Hiveshare and Hivegifts. And we’d be delighted to hear your comments – email or phone and we’re thrilled to chat. 

And Happy Christmas!

Brookfield Farm
Coolbawn, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, Ireland
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