Brookfield Farm Newsletter Winter 2018
Welcome to your Winter Brookfield Farm newsletter. First of all, a most heartfelt thank you to all our supporters, we would not be here without you. We made a little thank you video – see it here– THANK YOU and Happy Christmas! We wish you and yours a peaceful and merry time.
We have been beavering away to get Hiveshare honey to everyone subscribed this year to November 2018! Do let us know if your raw Irish honey from 2018 Hiveshare has not arrived, and if a delivery hasn’t got there, we’ll check it out straight away. And don’t forget, to sign up here to be part of 2019 raw honey Hiveshare….
There are a few more chances before Christmas completely finishes to get our popular Hiveshare Bee Friend and other Hivegifts, but hurry!
We really enjoyed meeting you all with Elements of Action, at the Dublin Flea Market and the Gifted Craft Fair at the RDS 5-9 December was great fun.
We are adding interesting bee information and great farm photos and videos on instagram, facebook and twitter – do follow us for updates.