Hiveshare August 2016 Newsletter

Hello, we are delighted to bring you our August newsletter – have a look at the farm, bees, what we are up to!

Thank you, Ailbhe


 August 2016 

Welcome to your August Hiveshare newsletter. We have more news this issue. Hiveshare 2016 Honey Celebration is nearly with us -Sunday August 21st. We can’t wait!

We are adding interesting bee information and great farm photos and videos on facebook – like our page to get them!

Hivegifts from Brookfield Farm

Brookfield Farm on the telly!

We were really excited to have IrishTV camera crew visit the farm as part of A Taste Of Lough Derg food series.

Have a look here at our paddle picnic footage:

Hiveshare gift

Late summer

The summer didn’t fulfil its early promise, did it? In Tipperary and the rest of Ireland the summer was dull and wet. This is no good for flowers and nectar flow, and beekeepers we’ve chatted to say honey is scarce this year. 

But that is the way of nature, we just have to adjust and hope next year will be better. Luckily our mentor beekeepers who work with us have some spare honey, so we won’t be too short, our priority is honey for Hivesharers.

We haven’t harvested honey yet on Brookfield Farm, but we will be getting to that lovely golden sticky treasure in coming weeks.

Your Hiveshare honey we plan to get to you by late autumn – we’ll be in touch about delivery and collection.


Nuffield Agricultural Scholarship trip

Ailbhe is back from her agricultural research trip in June and July. It was intense and interesting travelling with 10 Nuffield Scholars to visit farms and agri-people in Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, Israel, Netherlands and USA.

It’s lovely to be home! Now to write up reports and more research.

The Ploughing

Delighted to be awarded a stall in Enterprise Ireland’s Innovation Arena at the Ploughing!

And in for a People’s Choice innovation award for helping bees and Hiveshare too – would really appreciate your vote.

Do drop by our stand at Tullamore during the NPA Ploughing 19-22 September!


Wild flower meadows and bees

Goodness, they were colourful! We have about 11 acres of wildflowers sown on the farm this year to help the bees. All insects liked the flowers – Cornflowers, daisies, phacelia, linseed and lots more.

There is still a nice blue and yellow show up on the hill, but the lower field flowers have seeded, so fewer flowerheads are showing.

These wildflower meadows will stand all winter, giving shelter to wildlife and seeds to feed the birds.  

Still checking hives regularly to see swarming signs and if the queen is in the hive and laying.


Brookfield Farm lamb –

In conversion to organic! We are getting our new store lambs shortly. Order now.. reserve your tasty and healthy lamb for autumn and winter.


Ancient candle making technology.

We make our lovely beeswax candles by hand the traditional way.  Melted pure hot beeswax builds up slowly in layers to make our beautiful dinner candles


Handmade pure beeswax candles

We love making our natural candles – pure beeswax hand poured and hand dipped candles. Have a look at ourrange – they make super gifts!

We love to hear from you!

Do let us know how you are enjoying Hiveshare. And we’d be delighted to hear your comments – email or phone and we’re thrilled to chat. 

Brookfield Farm
Coolbawn, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, Ireland
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