Autumn harvest
Lots of Hivesharers wrote asking could they meet us and collect the honey. So we are arranging a couple of collection points in Dublin in the next couple of weeks.
Meet Ailbhe, pick up your Hiveshare and have a chat about your honey. Collection in Blackrock and Rathmines:
Saturday 15th October Blackrock
Friday 11th and Saturday 12th November. Rathmines and Blackrock
Let us know if you would like to meet and collect your honey – email us to arrange a suitable collection time and place. Really looking forward to meeting you!
We have now harvested Brookfield Farm honey, like many Irish beekeepers honey was scarce, but we have enough between our harvest and our mentor beekeepers to meet our Hiveshare commitments. Brookfield Farm is now packing honey boxes for Hivesharers.
Let us know if you would like to swop a honey jar for one of our lovely beeswax candles.
There are a few different types of honey, depending on the flowers the bees visited – examples are blackberry and clover, with a contribution from tree blossoms and whitethorn, and some heather and ivy blends. We are allocating a couple of different honey types to the Hivesharer allocations, so you can taste the natural differences.
Do let us know what you think!